12 Different Types of Lawn Mowers
A quick guide to the main types of lawn mowers for homeowners
- Self-propelled mowers
- Push mowers
- Hand mowers
- Mowers with four wheels
- Mowers with a rear roller
- Hover mowers
- Rotary cut mowers
- Cylinder cut mowers
- Ride-on mowers
- Out front mowers
- Zero turn mowers
- Robot mowers
Walk Behind Lawn Mowers - the basic differences explained
Also known as pedestrian lawn mowers and push lawn mowers.
Self-propelled mowers
Self-propelled lawn mowers use the power from the engine or motor to drive forwards, which takes much of the strain away from the user when mowing. On more premium mowers the speed at which it drives forwards is adjustable, and can be controlled by the user at the handlebars.
Self-propelled mowers are favoured by professionals and users who have larger areas to cut.
Push mowers
Unlike a self-propelled mower where the engine or motor moves the mower forwards, on a push mower the engine or motor only drives the cutting blades. Push mowers require the user to physically push the mower to move it around the lawn.
Push mowers are typically found at the smaller end of the walk behind mower range as they are lighter and therefore easier to push. They are a favoured option for users with smaller lawns, and because they don't have a self-propelled drive system they are generally more cost effective.
Hand Lawn Mowers
On a hand lawn mower, sometimes referred to as a manual lawn mower, the wheels or roller drive the cutting blades and turn when the mower is pushed forwards. There's no engine or motor so the mower relies on the user to power it by pushing, which makes them only really suitable for small lawns. As there are no complex mechanisms, hand lawn mowers have been known to last a very long time.
Mowers with four wheels
With four wheels in contact with the ground, these walk behind lawnmowers are the easiest to use and are capable of handling uneven ground, such as rougher areas of grass that have been neglected.
Mowers with a rear roller
Rear roller mowers typically have two wheels at the front and a roller at the rear, and are designed to create stripes on the lawn. As the mower moves forwards the roller flattens the grass, changing the way the light reflects off the blades of grass. This is what causes the striping effect.
Roller mowers are best suited to people with well maintained lawns who wish to create the traditional, striped appearance.
The roller also provides support across the full width of the mower, allowing the user to cut alongside borders without risk of the mower tipping in and the blades scalping the lawn. Find out more about the benefits of a rear roller.

Hover mowers
When running, hover mowers sit on a cushion of air created by the impeller within the deck. Due to this, hover mowers are exceptionally light to manoeuvre making them easy to use. Some hover mowers have specially adapted engines to allow them to work on slopes of up to 45°.
Rotary cut mowers
Most mowers are rotary mowers. A rotary mower has a rotating blade housed within a cutter deck. Think of the blade as being like a helicopter blade. The blade cuts in a scything action and is suitable for lawns right through to rough grass areas.
Cylinder cut mowers
The blades on a cylinder mower are like a pair of scissors in that the grass is trapped between two blades and cut cleanly. Cylinder mowers are typically found on fine lawns and fine sports turf surfaces such as golf courses and cricket grounds.
Ride on Lawn Mowers - the basic differences explained
Ride-on Lawn Tractors
Also known as ride on tractors, garden tractors, lawn tractors, riding tractors and riders.
A ride on lawn tractor will typically have the cutter deck between the wheels and can collect, discharge, and/or mulch the grass clippings depending on the model. These tractors often have towing hitches and are capable of more than just mowing the lawn.
Example Lawn Tractor, Westwood T Series
Out Front Mowers
Although with an appearance similar to a ride-on tractor, the cutting deck of these mowers sits at the front to give the user better control around borders and in tight areas. In addition, rear wheel steering allows for tighter turning for even greater manoeuvrability around obstacles compared to a ride-on tractor.
The underside of the cutter deck is also often much more accessible than that of a conventional ride on mower, making it easier to keep on top of deck maintenance.
Example Front Mower, Husqvarna Rider
Zero Turn Mowers
With two independent drive wheels at the rear and two castor wheels at the front, Zero Turn mowers can turn 360 degrees in a tight circle making them an excellent choice for narrow spaces and areas with obstacles.
Zero Turn Mowers will often cut grass faster than other ride-on mowers thanks to their large engines and high manoeuvrability.

Robotic Lawn Mowers
Also known as robot mowers.
Robot Lawn Mowers
Robot lawn mowers provide fully automatic grass cutting with minimal effort from the owner once installed. Capable of maintaining all shapes of lawns and ever larger areas, robot mowers are increasingly common in gardens up and down the country.
Most robot mowers can be configured to cut on a schedule, such as during the daytime only. When the mower is running low on battery, it simply travels back to it's docking station to recharge and will resume cutting once the battery is replenished.
Robot mowers don't collect the grass clippings. The frequency of cutting is such that the clippings are tiny and simply disappear into the lawn. The clippings are so small that they decompose and act as a natural fertiliser to boost the health of the lawn.
Other types of grass cutters
Grass Trimmers and Brushcutters
Grass trimmers are a handheld machine with a spinning head which can hold nylon cord or more robust blade attachments for cutting tougher growth.
Grass trimmers aren't really suitable for lawns. They are mainly used for two jobs:
- tackling very long grass which is too rough for a mower to handle
- trimming around borders to neaten the edges where a mower can't reach
Some entry level grass trimmers come with a rotating head, allowing users to tackle tasks like lawn edging without having to turn the whole machine on its side.
Now you know a little more about the various lawn mowers available. What next?
- Read our latest guide on how to choose the right walk behind lawnmower
- Browse our full range of lawnmowers available online with free delivery to large parts of northern England
- Take a look at our larger mowers for commercial applications
Posted: 14 October 2024